Dillon XL 750
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Dillon XL 750

without Case Feeder No-Caliber conve.

36 cm
35 cm
78 cm
15.70 kg
warning Derniers articles en stock
CHF 1'030.00 TTC CHF 952.82 (HT)
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Nicht inklusive: Matrizen, Bullet Tray, Strong Mount

The Dillon XL750 is an evolution of the Dillon Progressive Reloading machines. Dillon has taken the best features of their two top-sellers, the Dillon RL550 and the Dillon XL650, and combined them together to create the all new XL750.

The XL750, like the XL650, is a 5 station Progressive Reloader but with a modified and improved indexing system for an easier smoother Operation. The successful case feeding mechanism from the XL650 is imported to the XL750, however the priming system is taken directly from the RL550, where it proved itself to be an exceptionally reliable and efficient design. The combination of these features and improvements makes the XL750 a significant step forward in the evolution of these industry-leading machines.

It’s important to note that all the popular accessories for the XL650 can be used with the XL750 as well! From Strong-mounts to toolheads, caliber conversion kits, dies, trays and more. All the parts which could be used on the XL650 are compatible with the XL750 as well!

The XL750 is available with or without the new hi-speed adjustable case feeder.

The Dillon XL750 is designed to load the common rifle and handgun cartridges, from 17 Hornet though the common belted magnum cartridges in rifle, and 32 ACP through 500 S&W in handgun. Machine height from the bench is 32" without the optional electric case feeder, 38 1/2" with the electric Casefeeder installed.

Die XL 750 enthält:

Basismaschine progressiv für den ambitionierten Wiederlader

Ausgerüstet für 9mm Para (Matrize nicht inklusive). Produktionsleistung pro Stunde: bis ca. 600 Schuss

  • Pulverturm für 2.1 bis 15 grain Pulvercharge (small) und 15 bis 55 grain (large) inklusive
  • Pulvermatrize
  • Primer-Zuführung für Small und Large Primers
  • Primer-Aufnahmeröhren für Small und Large Primers
  • Primer-Alarm
  • Sammelbox für fertige Patronen
  • Matrizenaufnahme
  • Standard-Inbusschlüsselset

Hinweis: die Abbildung zeigt auch Bullet Tray sowie Strong Mount, welche nicht inklusive sind und separat dazubestellt werden müssten.


36 cm
35 cm
78 cm
15.70 kg

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